4 Steps To Quickly Unlock Your Score’s Potential.

One of the most important things you can do as an entrepreneur is to make sure your company’s finances are in order, and that means having great credit. However, if you’re someone who’s had issues with credit in the past, such as bankruptcy or foreclosures, it may seem like there’s no hope for you. Luckily, there are plenty of credit repair service that can help,

1) Control Your Spending Habits

The first thing that you need to do if you want to improve your credit score is to control your spending habits. Easier said than done, right? However, there are a few things that you can do to help make it a bit easier. First, take an honest look at all of the recurring expenses that you have coming out of your account every month – those will be a good place to start. Write them down and break them up into two categories: necessities and extras. As long as you know where your money is going each month, then you’ll know what needs to stay and what doesn’t. Then, go through and cancel any subscriptions that aren’t necessary for day-to-day life.

Next time something catches your eye online or elsewhere in stores, stop for a minute before purchasing it. If after some time has passed without you even thinking about the purchase again then it’s not worth buying.

3) Never Miss Payments

Paying all your bills on time will help increase your credit score, as long as you don’t charge anything. Consider opening up a separate checking account for bill payments, so that you’re not tempted to spend the money. When making late payments or missing payments altogether, contact the company or card issuer immediately to make arrangements and get back on track. The longer you allow the delinquency to go without correcting it, the worse your score will be. Remember that you have rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act and can request that errors be corrected on your credit report.

3) Get Started With Budgeting

Budgeting is an important aspect of finances, but it can be hard to know where to start. A great way to begin budgeting is by figuring out what you want your income and spending limits to be. From there, you can work backwards by adding up what your monthly income is and subtracting expenses, interest rates and anything else that will affect your debt. Once you have this information, calculate how much money you need per month and create a list of the items or services you’ll need to buy in order for you to make your budgeted amount each month. Lastly, compare what’s left on the list with what services are provided for or at reduced costs through benefits programs offered at work.

4) Choose An Online Service

There are many online services from credit counseling to restoration that are geared toward helping you improve your credit situation.   Be sure to do your homework, to ensure you are contactig a reputable provider that can assist you.  C4 Credit Solutions is available 6 days a week, either by phone at (800) 531-1558 or through our secure website.  Consultations are Free!
